
Local playgrounds and water play

Posted on: July 30, 2014

There is still time to enjoy summer, especially if we are going to get a mix of temperate and hot days. Within the City of Hyattsville are a dozen playgrounds and splash parks.

And, this is only what is in the Hyattsville city limits.  For more parks, visit

Hyattsville Playgrounds

Magruder Park
Hamilton Street at Gallatin Street, Hyattsville
*right next to Hamilton Splash Park
*Hyattsville Parent Child program takes place there

Robert J. King Memorial Park
Gallatin Street at 42nd Place, Hyattsville
*gets shade for maybe 1/2 the day
*newly installed fence keeps kids safer from nearby traffic
*quick walk from Busboys, Franklin’s, and Vigilante Coffee, etc.

Arts District playground
Longfellow Street at 46th Place
*So many kids could use a run around before getting a bite to eat!

Deitz Park
4100 block of Oliver Street , Hyattsville
*entrance is hidden
*great shade and great stop on a hot day

Heurich Mobility Playground
3000 Nicholson Street, Hyattsville
*can visit both mobility and comic heroes in one fell swoop

Heurich Comic Heroes Playground
5900 Ager Road, Hyattsville
*back in the woods on Heurich Park Road off Nicholson Street before mobility playground

University Hills Duck Pond Park
3400 Stanford Street, Hayttsville

Lane Manor playground
7601 W. Park Drive, Hyattsville
*can take a dip in the splash pool before/after playing on the playground

Hyatt Park
Hamilton Street at 36th Avenue, Hyattsville

Burlington Park
46th Avenue and Burlington Road, Hyattsville

Hyattsville water parks and fountains

Hamilton Splash Park
3901 Hamilton Street, Hyattsville
*located next to the playground at Magruder Park

Lane Manor Splash Park
7601 W. Park Drive, Hyattsville
*located next to a playground

University Town Center spray fountain
6500 America Blvd, Hyattsville

View Hyattsville playgrounds and water play in a larger map



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