
The new Hyattsville Life & Times

Posted on: July 13, 2014

Welcome to the new Hyattsville Life & Times – online.

Ten years ago, the founders of the paper did something amazing.  They successfully launched an award-winning print product in an age when print was being forecasted as soon-to-be obsolete with the increasing use of the web.

As a resident of Hyattsville, I look forward to getting the Hyattsville Life & Times in my mailbox every month.  The kind of hard-hitting and informative stories this paper brings to our doorsteps is what our community needs.  I thought I knew what is going on by working at a local broadcast station, but I would open the Hyattsville Life & Times and find that I didn’t know the whole story until then.

“Hyper-local” news is incredibly important. Local news organizations are only able to graze over each neighborhood, giving us snippets from all around the region.  Sure, information is public, but citizens depend on news organizations to provide it in a timely manner and give the information context, meaning, and analysis.  Hyattsville is an up-and-coming city just outside of Washington, DC.   There are so many little moving pieces and parts happening right now that will make an impact on our daily lives in the years to come.  We have our eye on Hyattsville, because it’s up to us as community members to keep each other informed.

And now, we’re ready to serve the community even better.

Behind the website and the paper are not just any volunteers.  We’re members of the community.  We are people with stories to share. Some of us are even print, television, and other communications/media professionals.  We bring with us experience from the ABC7, NewsChannel 8, WAMU, Washington Times, Associated Press, NewBay Media, the National Park Service, and other reputable organizations.

Our goal is for you to see it here first, and we are delivering on the high hopes we had for  Here are a few things we set our to create:

Photo courtesy George Hodan.
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  • A vehicle to keep the community informed in real time
  • A place where all Hyattsville news is collected and distributed
  • An public, linkable, searchable archive of all HL&T’s articles
  • An opportunity to engage in community discussion
  • A way to reach audiences beyond Hyattsville city limits

This is your community newspaper and your community hub.  Everyone is a citizen journalist.  We need you to stay connected and share what is happening near you.  We only strengthen our community by informing and sharing with each other.  You can:

  • Sign up for our newsletter to have us send the news to you daily or weekly top stories
  • We want to showcase all of the incredible events going on in our community.  Send us your photos and videos you’d like to share, inform, or celebrate what is going on near you
  • If you know something you’d like to share with the community, share a news tip with us
  • If there is a story you’d like to share with the community and write a couple of sentences or more about, please, send it in



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