
Hunt Responses Prince George’s County Executive Voter Guide

Posted on: January 1, 2025


Age: 63

Residence: Mitchellville

What have you accomplished for your community that makes you most proud, as a public servant, leader, or advocate?

Worked with police department, seniors and children in the Arthur Cappers Carrollsburg community D.C., 20 years. Worked with D.C. councilmember Sharon Ambrose and the citizens advisory committee to the police department. Also rewrote laws for the ABC [Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis] control division during that time period.

What do you most hope to accomplish during your first term?

1. Stop violence on our educators and secure all schools

2. Affordable housing and health care for our seniors

3. Add more police officers and help rewrite laws for our police department. Our police officers are acting as janitors. Meaning, they only arrive after something happens. There must be more community policing. Believe me, if elected, I will get the job done.

As we face a county budget crisis, are there any areas where you feel that county government is overspending? If so, please specify.

This so-called budget is completely out of control due to frivolous and wasteful spending. This will not be tolerated if I’m elected. My main priority is getting the budget under control by locating the allocation of monies, trimming the fat and halting wasteful spending. I’m not a politician and will not allow this nonsense to continue!

 6. Who’s on your team? Please list endorsements and any community groups in which you have a leadership role.

Please go to my website, scroll to the bottom. You will see everything there.




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