
WSSC building scheduled for demolition

Posted on: May 30, 2019

UPDATE: On June 30, Karl Granzow said that because of changes being made to July Fourth programming in downtown D.C., the Department of Transportation rescinded all the road permits for the large machinery that would be necessary for demolition until after July 4. Therefore, Werrlein Properties won’t be able to get the necessary machinery to the WSSC site until after July 4, and the demolition has been moved back a week.  

By HEATHER WRIGHT — During a May 28 phone call, Karl Granzow, construction/property manager for Werrlein Properties, said the former Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) building on Hamilton Street was scheduled for demolition on July 1. Granzow said that because of recent vandalism, a fence would be put up around the building in a week or so.

“Everything in the building is being recycled,” said Granzow, adding that the building is mainly steel and concrete, with some glass, but no hazardous material. According to Norman Rivera, attorney for Werrlein, some of the WSSC building’s art deco-style ornamentation, including that of the central entrance bay, would be preserved and repurposed in the new Magruder Pointe development.

Granzow estimated that the demolition and removal phase would take approximately two to three months.



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