City loses credit rating
BY CLAIRE PANAK TOMBES On Aug. 29, Moody’s Investor Service, an international credit rating agency, announced the withdrawal of the
BY CLAIRE PANAK TOMBES On Aug. 29, Moody’s Investor Service, an international credit rating agency, announced the withdrawal of the
BY SOPHIE GORMAN ORIANI On May 2, the Hyattsville City Council held a public hearing on the proposed real property
By PETER DANIELS — Hyattsville residents have engaged in a vigorous debate recently over the location of a desperately needed
The gate at the tot lot playground on Gallatin Street has been fixed. The gate had been ripped off its
BY ANDREW MARDER —At its April 7 meeting, the Hyattsville City Council was expected to schedule a public hearing on the
BY ANDREW MARDER —At its April 7 meeting, the Hyattsville City Council was expected to schedule a public hearing on the
This year many Hyattsville homeowners are paying about $150 to 200 less in real property taxes to the City than
This year many Hyattsville homeowners are paying about $150 to 200 less in real property taxes to the City than
BY SUSIE CURRIE — Heading into the annual budget negotiations, city officials are looking at a 10 percent drop in
BY SUSIE CURRIE — Heading into the annual budget negotiations, city officials are looking at a 10 percent drop in
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