Bow wow WOW: Previously passed-over pup wins Dog of the Year
BY KATIE WALSH — It may have been the presence of an audience, or perhaps just something in the air. But whatever
BY KATIE WALSH — It may have been the presence of an audience, or perhaps just something in the air. But whatever
BY REBECCA BENNETT — The 2015 Dogs for the Arts celebration took place on Saturday, June 6 in Magruder Park. Contests
BY REBECCA BENNETT — This year’s Dogs for the Arts was held on June 7. Click here to view the
BY REBECCA BENNETT — This year’s Dogs for the Arts was held on June 7. Click here to view the
Over 50 people turned up on a hot, sunny Saturday morning in Magruder Park to watch 16 local artists at
Over 50 people turned up on a hot, sunny Saturday morning in Magruder Park to watch 16 local artists at
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