
SHA: Part of water utility and drainage work complete on Queens Chapel Road

Posted on: December 4, 2015

BY REBECCA BENNETT — The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) said it’s $10.6 million Queens Chapel Road (MD 500) “streetscape” project from Hamilton Street to East West Highway is 27 percent complete.  The project involves improvements to sidewalks, crosswalks, pedestrian signals, bike lanes pavement resurfacing and street lighting.  SHA will also convert the existing painted median into a landscaped median.

SHA said crews to-date have completed construction on a significant portion of water utility and drainage work for the project. Crews will perform limited work during winter hours, SHA said, and by late spring, will construct curbs, gutters and new street lighting infrastructure.

The original completion date of late 2016 was pushed back for inclusion of additional traffic signals at Belcrest Road, SHA said. Weather-permitting, SHA expects the entire project is to be finished by late fall 2017.



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