
Politics and Prose announces move into Busboys and Poets

Posted on: November 9, 2014

Busboys and Poets in Hyattsville will soon be home to a Politics and Prose satellite store, according to the Washington Post. The literary retailer struck a deal with Busboys and Poets owner Andy Shallal to transform five of its bookstores into Politics and Prose locations by fall of 2015.

According to the Washington Post:

“I’m not a bookstore manager, but I wanted to have a bookstore,” said Shallal, who opened his first Busboys and Poets in 2005 as a restaurant that also sells books and hosts literary events. “The culture of books and authors is very much an important part of the mission of Busboys and Poets, so I started looking for a professional outfit that represents what we do.” He approached Graham and Muscatine with a proposal that would allow his restaurants to offer more books and a broader range of book events while shifting the responsibility to an organization that specializes in that business.

From Politics and Prose:

The new business relationship will start with the opening of a Busboys and Poets in Brookland in December and extend to the launch of a Busboys and Poets in Takoma in January. P&P will operate the book sections in each of these locations. Later in 2015, P&P will assume responsibility for book operations already in existence at the Busboys and Poets restaurants in Hyattsville, Shirlington, and downtown Washington at 5th and K. The book operation at the Busboys and Poets at 14th and V in Washington will remain managed by Teaching for Change.

As part of the joint arrangement, some of the offerings will include book signings, author talks, literary workshops, children’s programming and other events. All Busboys and Poets restaurants have large private rooms available for special programs and equipped with stages and state-of-the-art audio and visual equipment, including live streaming and webcasting.



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