BY KRISSI HUMBARD — Zombies took over Magruder Park during the second annual Hyattsville Zombie Run, hosted by the Hyattsville Elementary School PTA, on Oct. 14.
There were 561 runners in the three races that morning — the 1k Family Fun Run, 1M Kids Challenge and the 5K — an increase from last year.
It takes a lot of manpower to put on the race: 125 volunteers spent more than 1,000 hours meeting, planning, preparing the course and hosting the race. More than 30 sponsors also helped make the race happen, donating time, money and products — including some giveaways.
This year, the PTA opened the race to other area schools, offering them opportunities to raise funds by participating in the race. Kids from five schools participated: Caesar Chavez, Felegy Elementary School, Glenarden Woods, Hyattsville Middle School, and HES. “We were very happy with what was accomplished with the individual fundraising program being that it was setup in the three weeks before the race,” says race organizer Kevin Blackerby.
In the end, $4,059 was raised through donations and the individual fundraising program. On top of the money raised by runners, race organizers split donations from the sponsor-a-kid option, giving each school an additional $192.
“I am consistently impressed with the number of friends, neighbors and Hyattsvillians that come out in support of this community event,” Blackerby said. “It takes a huge amount of effort that could not be done by just a handful of helpers but Hyattsville has a generous heart and we get so many from the community assisting us in putting on this fun community event each year. We are very happy to be a part of it and thank all those who helped make it happen.”
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