BY REBECCA BENNETT — The 2015 Vertigo Challenge, a burger eating competition held on May 16, raised a total of $2,017 for Special Olympics Prince George’s County, according to organizers.
Organizers said 422 sandwiches were purchased at host Elevation Burger, which resulted in a sizable donation. Alley Cat Towing competed in the event and pledged their own matching donation of $1,000, according to organizers.
Hyattsville City Police Officers Zack Nemser, Trevor Hodges, and Mike McQuade volunteered their time on Saturday to compete, organizers said.
“The competition was fierce and while the Riverdale Fire Dept. and Alley Cat Towing only had two days notice to prepare, they came hungry and ready to compete,” Joe Brewer, inspector with the City of Hyattsville Office of Code Compliance, said.
“Congratulations to Alley Cat Towing on winning the coveted Cow Trophy from our previously undefeated police department,” Brewer said.