By KRISSI HUMBARD — Interactive. Iconic. Inclusive. Innovative.
Those were the words given to Neighborhood Design Center (NDC) when they asked city staff and residents what the reimagined Hyatt Park should be.
The city is planning to beautify a section of Hyatt Park, turning it into a community gathering space. NDC developed two concepts for the park: “Double Allee” and “Spiral.” Both concepts take into account programming flexibility, operational needs and budgetary constraints. NDC presented the two design concepts to city council at the Feb. 20 meeting.
The “Spiral” concept includes the following elements: centrally located on-grade, covered stage; seating elements to include turf mounds, tree decks and lighted stumps; lighting to include hanging and strung lights; art element to include commissioned elements along an art alleé; and a “back of house” area for stage, tent area and other support space. The “Double Alleé” concept includes the following elements: offset platform stage area with inclined safety surface; seating elements to include trunk benches, wave bench and rocks; lighting to include at-grade globe lights and hanging lights; art elements included light double alleé along Hamilton Street; and a “back of house” area for stage, tent area and other support space.
Residents can share their thoughts about the park’s additions on the city’s Speak Up website before 11:59 p.m. on March 11. City council will make a decision on which design will move forward in April.