
Local firefighters assist during Baltimore riots

Posted on: April 29, 2015

BY REBECCA BENNETT  — A total of 55 fire and emergency personnel, eight engines and two trucks returned home Tuesday after responding to the riots and unrest that unfolded in Baltimore, Md, according to Prince George’s County Fire and Rescue.  They were called as a part of two task forces “to support ongoing operations and numerous fires,” the Hyattsville Volunteer Fire Department (HVFD) said.

Hyattsville’s Truck 1 returned home Tuesday evening, HVFD said, after an 18 hour deployment near the Baltimore Inner Harbor at Steadman Station.

According to the Riverdale Volunteer Fire Department,  “The Baltimore City Fire Department [was] being overloaded with calls for service, they requested several units to back fill stations in the city. PGFD was contacted and asked if they could supply 8 pumpers and 2 ladder trucks for fill ins. … Along with our fellow volunteer companies of Hyattsville (1), Bladensburg (9), West Lanham Hills (28), and Kentland (33) headed north to Charm City. … While in the city units operated on several calls from medical calls to working fires.”

While crews were away, HVFD said additional volunteer crews were in Hyattsville to handle local fire and emergency response.



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