
Letters to the Editor: Library Story Time

Posted on: March 9, 2023

Dear Editor,


Many of the children who have attended story time at the College Park Community Library over the years are aging out of the program. We’re hoping to bring in new families eager to join our gatherings.

Story time will continue on a regular schedule; we meet on Wednesdays at 10:00 am at the library, which is located at the Church of the Nazarene, 9704 Rhode Island Avenue. In good weather, we sit outside on the lawn, but when the temperature dips below 55 or it is raining, we meet in the Blue Room on the lower level of the church. Story time is targeted to toddlers and preschoolers, 18 months to 3 years, but children of all ages are welcome, including infants and older siblings.

There are many reasons to bring your child to story time. Our program helps children develop early literacy skills they’ll need when they begin formal instruction in reading. We read books, of course, and we also sing and offer other musical activities.Singing is a natural way for children to learn about language; songs help children learn the distinct sounds that make up words, a valuable pre-reading skill to have. Musical activities, such as those we do with shaker eggs and scarves, help children develop motor skills as they clap, stomp and wiggle to the music. Story time is often very young children’s first opportunity to socialize with others, and families build friendships with others in attendance.

Micki Freeny, the library’s story-time programmer, has decades of experience in presenting programs for young children and educating parents about the importance of early literacy. She formerly worked for both the Prince George’s County Memorial Library and the D.C. Public Library.

Thank you,

Jackie Kelly



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