
Keeping the Presses Running: Streetcar Suburbs Fundraising Appeal

Posted on: November 11, 2021

By Mark Goodson, Managing Editor of the College Park Here & Now

You have in your hands the 17th edition of the College Park Here & Now. Yes, our inaugural edition hit the stands almost a year and a half ago, in May 2020. And we are now coming to you as a nationally recognized community newspaper, having garnered a number of awards from the National Newspaper Association Foundation. Those awards have not gone to our heads, though; we still pound the pavement every day to bring you the news.

Some people thought we were bold, maybe even crazy, launching a newspaper when so many others were going under — and at the start of a pandemic, no less. But here we are, still reaching our readers every month. We hope these pages bring you not only news but new ways to connect with the College Park community, too.

Streetcar Suburbs Publishing, the nonprofit behind the College Park Here & Now and our sister paper, the Hyattsville Life & Times, has launched a fundraising campaign to ensure that these newspapers and our website can continue to serve residents along the Route 1 Corridor. To stay connected with you, though, we need your help.

Streetcar has partnered with NewsMatch, a grassroots organization that campaigns to support independent newspapers just like this one. If you donate now, NewsMatch will match your donation, dollar for dollar, up to $1,000, total.

We want to keep the presses running. We want to continue to challenge our writers, both the seasoned volunteers and our university interns who are getting their first taste of print journalism. But printing and postage are expensive, so we are turning to you for help. We hope you’ll join us in our quest to keep Streetcar’s newspapers alive and well.

You can donate by scanning the QR code below or by visiting the Streetcar Suburbs Publishing’s website:



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