
Ivey Responses Prince George’s County Executive Voter Guide

Posted on: January 1, 2025


Age: 63

Residence: Cheverly

What have you accomplished for your community that makes you most proud, as a public servant, leader, or advocate?

Founding Mocha Moms

Funding Child Resource Connects that benefits all Prince Georgian families

Ensuring that UM Capital Region Medical Center had equipment to ensure in-county sickle cell treatment

Passing universal design bill incorporating inclusive designs in new builds

As a delegate, voting in favor of marriage equality and sponsoring legislation that enabled some undocumented immigrants the ability to obtain their driver’s licenses.

What do you most hope to accomplish during your first term?

My top priorities are tackling the housing affordability crisis, improving our schools, supporting local businesses, reducing crime through strong community and police partnerships, and creating an economic environment that attracts industries that align with our county’s vision.

I have heard from residents about the inefficiencies plaguing every aspect of our county: code enforcement, permitting, trash pickup, and roadway maintenance. These challenges prevent economic investments and growth, which impacts our school system, public safety, and overall quality of life for our residents. The solution will require strategy, vision, and time to execute. We need to think ahead and lay the groundwork for where we want Prince George’s County to be and work collaboratively with our federal, state, and municipal counterparts to realize our goals.

As we face a county budget crisis, are there any areas where you feel that county government is overspending? If so, please specify.

The county’s AAA bond rating is a positive indicator, but credit agencies continue to warn us about the risks posed by rising expenditures and a stagnant tax base. The stark reality is that we must watch how we spend every penny and focus on creating sustainable solutions. To address overspending, we need to evaluate areas where expenses may not directly align with core priorities and find a way to balance our budget without dipping into our rainy day funds.

At the same time, we must focus on bringing more diverse revenue streams into our county and create a stable economic environment that invites investments and businesses — both small and large — and a smoother process for smart growth while we prioritize our long- and short-term goals (as outlined above).

Who’s on your team? Please list endorsements and any community groups in which you have a leadership role.

AFGE [American Federation of Government Employees] Local 1975

U.S. Congressman Steny Hoyer

Prince George’s County Councilmember Eric Olson

Former U.S. Senator Ben Cardin

Former State Senator Victor Ramirez

Visit fora full endorsement list.



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