by Julia Kyles
Hollywood Farmers Market is increasing the ways it serves the community. Customers who take part in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and similar nutrition programs will soon be able to shop with participating vendors. To sweeten the deal, participating customers will also receive a one-to-one boost on their benefits through Maryland Market Money (MMM), a statewide program that supports food access. Shoppers who participate in SNAP and the Women, Infants & Children Cash Value Benefit program (WIC-CVB), the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program (WIC-FMNP) and the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) are all eligible for these benefits.
“The MMM promotes federal nutrition benefits by providing a dollar-for-dollar match,” Beavers said. She noted that this benefits not only SNAP enrollees but participating farmers as well.
The market’s organizers are in the process of getting SNAP equipment, which is necessary to process electronic benefits transfer (EBT) cards. That equipment should be available soon, explains Julie Beaver, farmers market coordinator. Maryland Market Money lists Hollywood as a SNAP location, but, as of press time, according to market representatives, the market hasn’t received equipment. The market will also accept pandemic EBT (P-EBT) cards. “These cards can be used to purchase $1 SNAP/EBT tokens for SNAP-eligible food items at this market,” Beavers said.
An on-site coordinator at Hollywood Farmers Market will help customers when the SNAP payment processing equipment is up and running. Customers shopping with SNAP/EBT will be able to swipe their cards to receive tokens in the amount they select along with MMM tokens of that same dollar amount. “For example, if a customer spends $10 in SNAP/EBT, they [will] receive $10 in SNAP/EBT tokens and $10 in Maryland Market Money,” Beavers said.
Shoppers who participate in WIC or the senior nutrition program can spend their benefits directly with participating vendors. The vendor will give them a receipt to turn in at the MMM distribution point to receive their dollar-for-dollar matching funds, Beavers said. For additional information on this match program, email
Market vendors who accept SNAP and MMM tokens will display a sign at their booths.