BY REBECCA BENNETT — According to a city memo, the City of Hyattsville was awarded a $140,000 grant from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Community Parks & Playgrounds Program (CPP). The city applied for a grant to upgrade the playground equipment at Deitz Park in Aug. 2014.
In May, the Neighborhood Design Center (NDC), in conjunction with the City of Hyattsville and the Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) led a brainstorming and design workshop for the park. This meeting, according to the city, “confirmed the community’s desire to upgrade the playground, raise the profile of the park and maintain its nature feel and flow.”
The city also said it is using the results of the meeting and the NDC design to incorporate stormwater best management practices into the park redesign.
On Sept. 21 the Hyattsville City Council voted to accept and appropriate the funds, approving the execution of a contract with West Recreation for the installation of the playground equipment. A city memo said the playground will have Game Time equipment.
The new playground is expected to be installed in the spring of 2016, a city memo said.