
Hyattsville CVS removes cigarettes amid national campaign

Posted on: September 3, 2014

CVS announces all 7,700 stores have pulled tobacco products ahead of schedule

In February, CVS announced it would stop selling cigarettes and other tobacco products to refocus its commitment on health.  CVS has announced that not only have they pulled tobacco products ahead of the self-imposed October 1 deadline, but they changed their corporate name to CVS Health.

In a statement by the retail giant:

We all know the dangers associated with tobacco products. In fact, smoking is the leading cause of premature disease and death in the United States with more than 480,000 deaths each year. While the prevalence of cigarette smoking has decreased from approximately 42 percent of adults in 1965 to 18 percent today, the rate of reduction in smoking prevalence has stalled in the past decade. More interventions, such as reducing the availability of cigarettes, are needed.

CVS in Hyattsville actually pulled tobacco products on Sunday, according to the store’s assistant general manager.  They were replaced with a display encouraging smokers to connect with resources to help them quit.



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