
Hollands raise more than $10,000 for polar bear plunge

Posted on: January 23, 2015

BY REBECCA BENNETT — Updated at 12:58 p.m.  Hyattsville Police Chief Douglas Holland and his daughter Desiree have raised more than their pledged $10,000 for Special Olympics Maryland. This by participating in the Maryland State Police Polar Bear Plunge happening this weekend.

Hyattsville City Police Officer Mark Filuta (left) with Chief Douglas Holland (right). Photo courtesy Douglas Holland.
Hyattsville City Police Officer Mark Filuta (left) with Chief Douglas Holland (right). Photo courtesy Douglas Holland.

The Hollands are members of the Super Plunge Team. According to the team’s webpage, “This team plunged not once, but 24 times in a 24-hour period to show those sitting at home that they could come out to the park and Plunge at least once. The team strived to show others that they could push the limit to symbolize the obstacles that the athletes of Special Olympics face every day.”

The Hollands started their super polar bear plunge in the Chesapeake Bay at 10 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 23 at Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis, Md. They will conclude their plunging for a cause at 10 a.m. Saturday morning.

Donations are still being accepted online and by making checks payable to SOMD, 3701 Commerce Drive, Suite 103, Baltimore, Md.



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