
HL&T wins top national award

Posted on: August 13, 2013

BY SUSIE CURRIE — For the third year in a row, the Hyattsville Life & Times has captured a National Newspaper Association award in the annual Better Newspaper Contest. First place for Best Serious Column goes to Hugh Turley’s “A Resident Evil,” a piece that came out in July 2012 shortly after the Jerry Sandusky verdict. Turley writes of the unsettling experience of living next door to a man who had won acclaim in the 1970s as a founder of D.C.’s punk scene, but turned out to have criminal tendencies that were investigated only after a 10-year-old boy went missing. Contest judges said: “Turley implores us to be attentive to the signs of trouble around us and holds us accountable – as he did himself – for the evil that we, in our discomfort, choose all too often not to heed. It is an insistent wake‐up call that we ignore at our own peril.”



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