
Growing with Hyattsville

Posted on: July 9, 2014

If the paper has grown and changed over the years, so has the City of Hyattsville.  Annexations of both commercial and residential areas have increased the city boundaries by 0.6 miles and nearly doubled its tax base. Today’s residents are younger, more affluent and safer than they were a decade ago.  There are also more of them.  This growth has increased the cost of living here, from the cost of buying a home to the cost of municipal government. But it has also benefited citizens with improved infrastructure, amenities and services.  In 2003, these terms would have prompted empty stares: University Town Center; Metropolitan Shops at Prince George’s Center; Mosaic at Metro; Post Park; Renaissance Square; Arts District Hyattsville; and the Hyattsville Life & Times.  Today, they are part of the fabric of what makes our hometown special.  Here’s to another decade of the life and times of Hyattsville!





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