
From the Board: Streetcar Suburbs needs your support!

Posted on: December 15, 2022

We know you’re getting a lot of pleas for year-end contributions right now. There are many worthy organizations that could use your help. We wanted to use this space to share why your local newspaper is one of those worthy causes.

Our nonprofit brings news about local government, civic organizations, arts, schools and businesses to every resident in Hyattsville, for free.

We do this year-round. Consider the following:

  • Our article about the Hyattsville Police Department’s six-month lag in publishing crime reports; most (though not all) of the missing information was disclosed soon after we brought the issue to light
  • Our reporting on the Purple Line planning process, which explained how Guilford Woods was being targeted for development through one planning process while being taken off the table in another 
  • Our series of stories on Northwestern High School, stories which have celebrated the achievements of young people there, and encouraged a focus on tackling security challenges outside the building
  • Our election guides and articles analyzing campaign finance contributions in local elections

This is reporting you won’t find anywhere else (certainly not in the national news!), and it covers the issues that most impact you day-to-day — city services, local development and local schools.

As a nonprofit, we depend on the support of readers like you to keep this critical work going. That’s why we’re excited to share that we have a wonderful opportunity to increase the impact of your donation through NewsMatch, a program that supports nonprofit news organizations across the country. Through Dec. 31, NewsMatch will match your donation. We can earn up to $15,000 in matching dollars, which means our nonprofit, Streetcar Suburbs News, can raise $30,000 in total between your donations and the match. 

For a nonprofit organization like us, this is a big deal and will help us deliver the kind of news and information you’ve come to expect. It’s the kind of reporting that can make a real difference in our community. And it’s worthy of your support.

To make a donation, scan the QR code below, visit or mail a check to Streetcar Suburbs Publishing, P.O. Box 132, Hyattsville, MD 20781-0132. Thank you!

News for people, not for profit. Give now.

Streetcar Suburbs publishing is a nonprofit organization that puts out the Hyattsville Life & Times, the College Park Then & Now, and The Laurel Independent. 




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