
Doing wellness well: local event covers health issues

Posted on: February 15, 2014

Since 1995 Joe’s Movement Emporium has been a home to all types of artists and innovative programming.  In this spirit, it hosted the annual Wellness Fair on January 26 in an effort to promote good health within the community.  The event featured yoga classes, demonstrations and lectures, mini massages, health and wellness vendors, and resources to help Marylander’s navigate the Affordable Care Act.
Joe’s considers “everyone a Joe, because everyone can move” and offers a variety of programs to stay active and will continue to support the health of the community by offering a nutrition program in the spring sponsored by Providence Hospital.  A series of six free classes will be held evenings and weekends will focus on good nutrition and moving more.  Topics will include “Eating healthy on a budget,” “Physical activity is key to living well,” and “Quick, healthy meals and snacks.”  Joe’s is one of four sites chosen in Prince George’s County because it’s considered a “community hub”.  For more information, visit



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