
County issues precautionary cold weather advisory

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Posted on: November 18, 2014

According to Prince George’s County:

The National Weather Service advises the region of severe cold temperatures [Tuesday and Wednesday]. With gusty winds of up to 30 miles per hour, residents are reminded to dress appropriately:

  • Cover your head. You lose as much as 50 percent of your body heat through your head.
  • Wear several layers of lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. The air between the layers acts as insulation to keep you warmer.
  • Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect lungs from direct, extremely cold air. Cover your ears and lower part of your face as well.
  • Wear mittens rather than fingered gloves. The close contact of fingers helps to keep your hands warm.
  • Wear warm leg coverings and heavy socks or two pairs of lightweight socks.
  • Wear sturdy shoes to keep your feet warm and dry.



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