
County approves Hyattsville McDonald’s without drive-through

Posted on: July 14, 2014

Some resolution in the drive-through debate came in Monday’s District Council meeting.

Chick-fil-A would like to put a drive-through restaurant in the southwest corner of the Mall of Prince George's parking lot.
ALSO: Drive-though debate continues

Last year, the Prince George’s County Council, sitting as the District Council, basically approved a McDonald’s in the parking lot of the Hyattsville Home Depot with a drive-through. This despite the City of Hyattsville and the Prince George’s Planning Board’s objections to the drive-through component of the project.

The City of Hyattsville took the matter to the Maryland State Circuit Court, which ruled in favor of the city.  The court remanded the issue back to the District Council.

When the project came up today, Prince George’s County District 2 councilmember Will Campos made a motion to ask staff for document of approval of the planning board’s decision.

The planning board recommended that McDonald’s “revise the (detailed site plan) to remove the drive-through portion of the use and convert the area into green space or amenity space” (found on page 22).

The motion was unanimously confirmed by the council.



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