
City receives $20k grant for Melrose Trail landscaping and stormwater upgrades

Posted on: November 4, 2015

BY REBECCA BENNETT — The City of Hyattsville received a more than $20,000 grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust for the design and installation of storm water mitigation and conservation landscaping installation at Melrose Trail.

The city built Melrose Trail in 2014, which connects parts of the neighborhood to the Anacostia Tributary Trail System.

“The proposed project was to complete the landscape design and consists of the installation of a rain garden, meadow plantings, tree installation, and an open seating area,” a city memo said.

City staff will now work with a local landscape designer to complete the design, a city memo said, as well as a local contractor to install seating and hardscape.

City staff is expected to schedule planting this spring as a part of a community planting project, according to a city memo.



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