Miss Floribunda: Common sense vs. senseless violets
Dear Miss Floribunda, After bringing in my gawky potted plants for the winter, I realize I don’t much like
Dear Miss Floribunda, After bringing in my gawky potted plants for the winter, I realize I don’t much like
Dear Miss Floribunda, The drought seems to be over, and autumn is finally here, with trees in full color. I
Dear Miss Floribunda, I was really appalled by the insults from neighbors that “Eating Dirt” described in last month’s letter.
Dear Miss Floribunda, Although my neighbors say they approve of my native-plant garden because it provides a haven for pollinating
I’m at my wit’s end. I’ve got this dippy neighbor whose garden is just a mess of weeds, and it
Dear Miss Floribunda, I know where you live! Now that I have your attention, I want you to know this
Dear Miss Floribunda, Like “Lazy on Livingston Street” last month, I, too, hate to weed, especially in my rose bed.
Dear Miss Floribunda, What is permaculture? I caught a snatch on a cable TV channel about it, and apparently
Dear Miss Floribunda, You wrote about various kinds of salts in a column last summer, some of which are good
Dear Miss Floribunda, I enjoyed the [Hyattsville Horticultural Society] seed sale in February and took a chance buying seeds that
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