BY REBECCA BENNETT — We are pleased to bring back the news that the Hyattsville Life & Times is to be awarded for best local news coverage by the National Newspaper Association (NNA). We were ranked 3rd nationally among large daily and non-daily publications.
HL&T‘s current editors, Rebecca Bennett and Caroline Selle, would like to thank former editors Susie Currie and Rosanna Landis Weaver, as well as all of staff, volunteer writers, columnists, contributors, and local officials and other community members who help make this publication something very special.
Hyattsville Life & Times, Hyattsville, Maryland
Third Place, Best Local News Coverage, Daily & Non-daily Division, circ. 6,000 or more. Entry Title: March and September Issues. Credit(s): Caroline Selle, Rebecca Bennett, Susie Currie, Rosanna Landis Weaver. Judges’ Comments: “Thorough coverage of a niche community with special attention to details. Excellent local news opportunities.”
First place in the category went to The Suffolk Times (Mattituck, N.Y.) and second place went to The Union (Grass Valley, Ca.).
HL&T will accept the third place award for best local news coverage at the NNA national convention in October in St. Charles, Mo.