
ArtDC’s Lustine Center gallery to close

Posted on: June 8, 2015

BY CAROLINE SELLE — After six years in Hyattsville, ArtDC will be closing its gallery at the Lustine Center this June.

“At the beginning,” a post on ArtDC’s website read, “we started our gallery mission in a new community with limited arts attention. The goal was to vitalize the neighborhood through arts activity. The neighborhood grew, and the economy recovered.”

Financial concerns lead the group to shut its doors, but ArtDC does not plan to fold. The organization will move online while searching for a new location, and ArtDC is looking for volunteer bloggers and web developers to help it continue its presence in the Washington, D.C. arts community.

“We are sad to leave Hyattsville, but our mission will continue,” the post read. “…We’ve enjoyed the opportunity to bring area arts to the public.  … We’ve shown the work of hundreds of artists in well over 60 shows.”



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