
Ager Road green streets project

Posted on: May 19, 2015

BY CAROLINE SELLE — At the April 6 City Council Meeting, Lesley Riddle, director of public works, presented updates on the Ager Road Green Streets Project.

“What [the county is] looking for is a complete, green street design,” she said. “That’s slowing down the traffic a little, pinching the lanes in … adding a bike lane, and considering all of the low impact design they can do and stormwater management on the road that’s possible.”

The project includes connections to facilities including the Northwest Branch Trail and  the Hyattsville Metro Station. The section of Jamestown Road running from Ager Rd. to the Prince George’s Plaza Metro Station will be included in the project.

The design plan is expected to be finalized by the end of May and the project is expected to begin in spring 2016. Roadwork on Queen’s Chapel (MD 500) is expected to be nearly finished before Ager Road project starts.



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